東京 TAIKO GIRLSさんの衣装スタイリング/制作をしました。Designed the costumes and style arrangement for TOKYO TAIKO GIRLS.
This post has been copied from the old blog, maintaining the original upload date.
女性だけの和太鼓グループ、東京 TAIKO GIRLSさんの衣装のスタイリング・制作をさせて頂きました!
I designed the costumes and style arrangement for the all-female Wadaiko group TOKYO TAIKO GIRLS!
In order to show their uniqueness as a group, I styled 4 complete outfits (Use children's sized Kimono. The sleeves are long for adults, but this makes it easier for them to move their arms even with sleeves.) + a styled corset in place of a traditional obi. I designed them With 4 different color palettes, and a coordinating corset and arrangement in order to express their individuality.
東京 TAIKO GIRLSさんは大宮のマルイでのイベントに出演されたり!
TOKYO TAIKO GIRLS performs at events in places like Marui in Omiya!
They have been on the Saitama TV show "Gogotama" and featured in the newspaper!
They are hard at work!
(The pictures have been reposted from their Facebook page)